Friday 27 January 2017

Research - Youth Sub Cultures

Youth Sub Culture
Teenagers now care much more about their online presence and identity than their real life interests.
- Teenagers used to show their music taste by wearing clothes that put them into a group of    people who also had the same taste. Now due to charts many teenagers wear similar clothes and listen to similar music.
- There is now a very limited amount of people that show their taste of music by what they wear and how they act, some examples of these are Emos. 
- In the past people had to make an investment to listen to the music - as they had to buy a physical copy, whereas now it can just be streamed so youths are much less dedicated to their choice of music as they don't have money invested in it.
- When people wanted to get their group exposure it would take ages to gain any, for example Punks. Whereas now through the use of social media people can gain exposure within days, an example of this is Seapunk.

Death of the Music Press
- Due to the online music charts teenagers now have no need to buy music magazines.
- The limited amount of music press that is still sold isn't aimed at youths anymore but older adults around the age of 40. 
- People don't want to spend money on music magazines anymore to read reviews because they can get the same content online for free.
- Lots of big music publication editors started writing for NME, which has now collapsed to only around 20,000 copies sold per week.
- From the 70's to 90's music publications sold over a million copies per week - it was a part of normal life to consume some music media on a regular basis.

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