Sunday 19 February 2017

Research: Music Magazine Ideas

Research: Focus Groups

Rhys Gillings

Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying A-Levels at Southend High School For Girls. He recently quit his part time job as a gardener.
Interests: He enjoys his sport, playing for Ecko Whitecaps and he also enjoys socializing with his friends as much as he can.
Music Taste: He goes to festivals such as Brownstock and enjoys house music.

Ross Bermon

Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying full time at Southend High School For Girls Sixth Form, also working at Jump Village.
Interests: Ross enjoys socializing and watching Rugby as he used to play it when he was younger.
Music Taste: Ross enjoys house music and attended V Festival last year to listen to his favorite acts.

Luke Connor
Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying at college and selling clothes that he buys to earn money to spend on his hobbies.
Interests: He enjoys being with his mates and enjoys rapping and he puts his music on soundcloud under the name 'Milo Xantana'.
Music Taste: He enjoys grime music and attended Wireless lat year and the year before.

Abby White

Age: 17
Occupation: She is currently studying at Southend High School For Girls and has a part time job as dance teacher.
Interests: Abby enjoys dancing and revising for her work at school, she also enjoys socializing with her friends.
Music Taste: Abby is into all types of music including club classics, house and grime. Abby also attends many festivals.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Production: Music Magazine Double Page Spread

This is the first bit of progress i made while making my double page spread. The picture was chosen as it relates well to the article and the presence the models have on the page.
I then added the articles which i had planned previously to the double page spread.
This is the final design of the double page spread which has a few additions which add to keeping the house style and colour scheme that i have used throughout the production of the magazine.

Production: Music Magazine Contents Page

The first draft of my contents page kept with the overall colour scheme and house style as my front page did. This keeps it recognizable and helps develop the brand of my magazine.
In this stage of developing the contents page I added the photos that i had taken previous to making my contents page which i felt suited the aesthetic and overall genre of my magazine.
Next in development was the addition of headers and titles for the storys and articles that i would include in the magazine, two of them also link to the two pictures which makes the magazine feel more professional.
This was the final design of the contents page, in this stage i have added the previews and a look into what the articles would have to offer.

Production: Music Magazine Front Page

This is this first bit of progress i had while in the production of my Music Magazine and this is where I decided the basic House style of the magazine and the font i wanted to predominantly use throughout the magazine.
The second additions that came after was the addition of coverlines and things like the 'Exclusive Photos' box which will entice the reader into reading on into the magazine, I have also kept with the House style with my red, black and white colour scheme.
I have now made some major additions that have made the overall aesthetic of the magazine more pleasing as there is now images that link to the articles inside and the main demographic and target audience of my magazine.
This is the final design i concluded with.