Sunday 19 February 2017

Research: Focus Groups

Rhys Gillings

Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying A-Levels at Southend High School For Girls. He recently quit his part time job as a gardener.
Interests: He enjoys his sport, playing for Ecko Whitecaps and he also enjoys socializing with his friends as much as he can.
Music Taste: He goes to festivals such as Brownstock and enjoys house music.

Ross Bermon

Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying full time at Southend High School For Girls Sixth Form, also working at Jump Village.
Interests: Ross enjoys socializing and watching Rugby as he used to play it when he was younger.
Music Taste: Ross enjoys house music and attended V Festival last year to listen to his favorite acts.

Luke Connor
Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying at college and selling clothes that he buys to earn money to spend on his hobbies.
Interests: He enjoys being with his mates and enjoys rapping and he puts his music on soundcloud under the name 'Milo Xantana'.
Music Taste: He enjoys grime music and attended Wireless lat year and the year before.

Abby White

Age: 17
Occupation: She is currently studying at Southend High School For Girls and has a part time job as dance teacher.
Interests: Abby enjoys dancing and revising for her work at school, she also enjoys socializing with her friends.
Music Taste: Abby is into all types of music including club classics, house and grime. Abby also attends many festivals.

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