Tuesday 21 March 2017

Question 1: In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products

Question 2: How Does Your Media Group Represent Particular Social Groups?

Social Groups

A social groups is a group of two or more people who interact with one another and share the same/similar characteristics and are together as a unit. This definition shows that people who listen to the same genre of music and are involved in that type of music can all be part of the same social groups.

Youth Subcultures

Teenagers now care much more about their online presence and identity than their real life interests.
- Teenagers used to show their music taste by wearing clothes that put them into a group of    people who also had the same taste. Now due to charts many teenagers wear similar clothes and listen to similar music.
- There is now a very limited amount of people that show their taste of music by what they wear and how they act, some examples of these are Emos. 
- In the past people had to make an investment to listen to the music - as they had to buy a physical copy, whereas now it can just be streamed so youths are much less dedicated to their choice of music as they don't have money invested in it.
- When people wanted to get their group exposure it would take ages to gain any, for example Punks. Whereas now through the use of social media people can gain exposure within days, an example of this is Seapunk.

This change in youth culture is linked to the rise in electronic music presence as teenagers are more likely too watch YouTube and see social media posts on the niche market of Electronic dance Music.

Question 3: What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why?

Question 4: Who Would Be The Audience For My Media Product

Question 5: How did you Attract/Address Your Audience

In my media product I addressed my audience in a manner that was suitable for the demographic and audience that would read my magazine. This was done using various informal terms and having a main image that is giving direct address to the audience who is around the age of the target audience for my media product.

Further to this, I used an Audience response questionnaire during the main production of my media product which gave an overall response on what my target audience thought of my product at that point during production. This was helpful as i could adjust accordingly to the feedback that i received and i received a better understanding of who my main target audience was.

Lexicon Of Words

The lexicon of words was helpful during the production stage of my magazine as i could refer to the research i had done prior to use in my double page spread and rest of my media product. Using the lexicon of words helped build a link with my magazine and the genre of Electronic Dance Music.

Question 6: What Have You Learnt From The Technologies Used To Construct This Product

Question 7: Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task What Do You Feel Like You Have Learned In The Progression

This is the first magazine that I produced and it was done with little to no knowledge of any of the digital technologies (DSLR Camera, Photoshop, Indesign etc.) The sixth Form Magazine didn't look professional as i hadn't researched or planned it professionally meaning it came out very amateur looking. This is also because of the lack of experience I had with magazines and the fact that I don't read or research magazines of this given genre.

Furthermore, In the production of my first magazine (sixth form magazine) I only used a couple of magazine and media conventions. This flaw meant that my magazine was to its full potential and didn't have a professional looking finish. One major difference in the process of making my first media product compared to the music magazine is the time spent on research and planning. For the music magazine i spent an extensive amount of time researching the genre that i was trying to portray in my magazine and researching types of magazines that are similar (you can see this research here and here). This extensive research was not conducting in the production of my sixth form magazine as i didn't have the knowledge or experience to do so at the time.
Moving on to the music magazine, you can see that various amounts of techniques and media conventions have been utilised to help give my media product a unique and professional style. Firstly, the use of multiple types of typography makes the coverlines and the main masthead stand out individually, but also it connects the whole front cover together to give the magazine its own unique house style that is followed through the media product.

Moreover, the main image on my music magazine is considerably more effective and personal than hat on the sixth form magazine. This shows my step forward in knowledge and experience using the digital technologies such as the DSLR Camera and a step forward in the use of photo editing software such as Photoshop. Also, it is more personal and effective as it is a headshot compared to the full body shot used on my sixth form production. This is a more professional technique and takes more skill to complete. More to this, the coverlines on my final music magazine production are more professional and effective as there is a lot more of them and they have been done so that they hint at the stories inside and entice the reader into buying an issue and reading the articles.
Throughout the time between the process of making my sixth form magazine and making my music magazine i used web mediums such as youtube to further my skills and education on software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign (as seen above). This education helped considerably in the final quality of my media product as i could use professional techniques used in real magazine production to give my music product more of an edge above my sixth form magazine.

What I Would Have Done Differently
If i was to start the process of making my media product again i would have used better time management as it could improve the overall final product of my music magazine. Another thing that i would do, would be to collect and take more photos in the planning stage so that i had a wider variety of images to use in the production of my magazine. Finally, I would seek to interview more people so that i had more content to work with in the production of m Double Page Spread.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Research: Music Magazine Ideas

Research: Focus Groups

Rhys Gillings

Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying A-Levels at Southend High School For Girls. He recently quit his part time job as a gardener.
Interests: He enjoys his sport, playing for Ecko Whitecaps and he also enjoys socializing with his friends as much as he can.
Music Taste: He goes to festivals such as Brownstock and enjoys house music.

Ross Bermon

Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying full time at Southend High School For Girls Sixth Form, also working at Jump Village.
Interests: Ross enjoys socializing and watching Rugby as he used to play it when he was younger.
Music Taste: Ross enjoys house music and attended V Festival last year to listen to his favorite acts.

Luke Connor
Age: 17
Occupation: Currently studying at college and selling clothes that he buys to earn money to spend on his hobbies.
Interests: He enjoys being with his mates and enjoys rapping and he puts his music on soundcloud under the name 'Milo Xantana'.
Music Taste: He enjoys grime music and attended Wireless lat year and the year before.

Abby White

Age: 17
Occupation: She is currently studying at Southend High School For Girls and has a part time job as dance teacher.
Interests: Abby enjoys dancing and revising for her work at school, she also enjoys socializing with her friends.
Music Taste: Abby is into all types of music including club classics, house and grime. Abby also attends many festivals.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Production: Music Magazine Double Page Spread

This is the first bit of progress i made while making my double page spread. The picture was chosen as it relates well to the article and the presence the models have on the page.
I then added the articles which i had planned previously to the double page spread.
This is the final design of the double page spread which has a few additions which add to keeping the house style and colour scheme that i have used throughout the production of the magazine.

Production: Music Magazine Contents Page

The first draft of my contents page kept with the overall colour scheme and house style as my front page did. This keeps it recognizable and helps develop the brand of my magazine.
In this stage of developing the contents page I added the photos that i had taken previous to making my contents page which i felt suited the aesthetic and overall genre of my magazine.
Next in development was the addition of headers and titles for the storys and articles that i would include in the magazine, two of them also link to the two pictures which makes the magazine feel more professional.
This was the final design of the contents page, in this stage i have added the previews and a look into what the articles would have to offer.

Production: Music Magazine Front Page

This is this first bit of progress i had while in the production of my Music Magazine and this is where I decided the basic House style of the magazine and the font i wanted to predominantly use throughout the magazine.
The second additions that came after was the addition of coverlines and things like the 'Exclusive Photos' box which will entice the reader into reading on into the magazine, I have also kept with the House style with my red, black and white colour scheme.
I have now made some major additions that have made the overall aesthetic of the magazine more pleasing as there is now images that link to the articles inside and the main demographic and target audience of my magazine.
This is the final design i concluded with.

Friday 27 January 2017

Research - Youth Sub Cultures


Youth Sub Culture
Teenagers now care much more about their online presence and identity than their real life interests.
- Teenagers used to show their music taste by wearing clothes that put them into a group of    people who also had the same taste. Now due to charts many teenagers wear similar clothes and listen to similar music.
- There is now a very limited amount of people that show their taste of music by what they wear and how they act, some examples of these are Emos. 
- In the past people had to make an investment to listen to the music - as they had to buy a physical copy, whereas now it can just be streamed so youths are much less dedicated to their choice of music as they don't have money invested in it.
- When people wanted to get their group exposure it would take ages to gain any, for example Punks. Whereas now through the use of social media people can gain exposure within days, an example of this is Seapunk.


Death of the Music Press
- Due to the online music charts teenagers now have no need to buy music magazines.
- The limited amount of music press that is still sold isn't aimed at youths anymore but older adults around the age of 40. 
- People don't want to spend money on music magazines anymore to read reviews because they can get the same content online for free.
- Lots of big music publication editors started writing for NME, which has now collapsed to only around 20,000 copies sold per week.
- From the 70's to 90's music publications sold over a million copies per week - it was a part of normal life to consume some music media on a regular basis.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Planning - Double Page Spread Article

This is the double page spread which i did for my magazine

Research - Adobe Package

Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
The three applications I will use to design my magazine are all from the vast range offered by Adobe. The first application that i will use is photoshop. I will use this to edit my photos in a professional way.

I will then use illustrator to make some of the fonts and icons i need for my magazine, this will give my a larger variety of things I can do creatively in my magazine.

The final software i will use will be Indesign , this is great for the typing section of the magazine writing process as it has many helpful features that will help me throughout the process.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Planning: Lexicon Of Words For Electronic Dance Music

Single - a short record or CD featuring one main song or track #

Sampler - Similar to a synthesizer, uses filters and oscillations to make sound from the                            medium of pads or a step sequencer

Synthesizer - A keyboard like instrument which can make various sounds

DJ - A DJ (or more formally known as a Disc Jockey) does live sets to crowds while mixing           tracks together seamlessly to make them sound like one track

Producer - A person or people who make the music using a DAW or by notating sheet                             music for an artist

House - A sub-genre of EDM which has sub-genres itself

Research: Electronic Dance Music

Electronic Dance Music


  • The origin of this large genre is mixed but it was around the mid 70's and 80's
  • It became popular in Europe first in the club scene then eventually made its way to America

Electronic Dance Music (EDM) is made up of a huge amount of sub-genres; the largest and most popular is House which in itself has many sub-genres.

There are various instruments used in Electronic Dance Music these include:
  • Synthesizers
  • Samplers
  • Vocals
  • Keyboard
  • Piano
  • Drum
And More...

The way most EDM is made is by the use of Digital Audio Workstations which are computer software and you can get a wide amount of different programs which can help make a specific type of EDM
Examples of these would be:
  • FL Studio
  • Ableton Live
  • Logic Pro
  • Cubase
  • Reason
And others but these are the most widely used by well known Producers such as:
  • Martin Garrix
  • David Guetta
  • Calvin Harris
  • Don Diablo
  • Blonde

Overall Electronic Dance Music is a very varied genre in music and in the charts now you can hear many examples of it

Research: Music Magazine TA2

Friday 14 October 2016

Reasearch: Media Studies Summary

After reading the first chapter I have learned

1. Development in media is speeding up vastly in the coming years.
2. A lot of media analysis is focused on the effects and behaviours it causes in society.
3. Media Studies only became a popular academic subject in the 1980's and 1990's.
4. The internet has transformed the media environment so that now the users are able to become the producers.
5. There is only a small number of big multi-national corporations which actually dominate the media ownership.

Sunday 25 September 2016